
B+ Hero Lucca

Is this a cute picture or what? I’ll bet my bosses are cuter than yours! :)

“Lucca’s family would like to say thank you very much to the B+ family for all the love, attention and support in this very difficult time that we have been facing. All this love has made a difference in Lucca's health and helped our family get through this difficult time. Thank you very much and God bless you.”

B+ Hero Wyatt

The cuteness continues…

Childrens Hospital Colorado

These people are far less cute, but still very important. Carly Bergstein (Exec. Dir. - 2nd from left), Catherine Herzog (Dir Corp Partnerships - far left) and I had the opportunity to tour Childrens Hospital Colorado and spend some time with three fascinating guys whose work we have helped to fund. Drs. Matt Witkowski, Nathan Dahl, and Sid Mitra ( left to right below). It was a fascinating visit and always helpful to see the impact of our support. And, always great to see my friend and world-class pediatric oncologist, Dr. Lia Gore.

Make it a great weekend.

Ali & Andrew’s Dad


The Doctor is In


Where to Turn?