The Doctor is In

B+ Hero Dr. Jayesh

Check out Dr. Jay’s picture below. Looking good, Dr. Jay!!!

“On behalf of our family, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for the support and financial assistance provided.

Our son Jay was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma and uses a wheelchair. When he returned home this September after a 16-month hospital stay, we were faced with the challenge of how to transport him to his various medical appointments. Traveling by car was difficult and very uncomfortable for him. We did not have access to wheelchair accessible transportation. The cost of purchasing a van and having it modified became a necessary purchase.

With the assistance provided by B+, we were able to cover the cost of our first loan payment, alleviating a financial burden we had not anticipated.

Jay is much more comfortable traveling now.

We thank you for your generosity and kindness.”

B+ Hero Carina

Please enjoy the really nice, heartfelt message from Carina’s Dad. I will admit, though, that it’s hard to pay attention to Dad with that cutie next to him.

Thank you Delaware State Police

In September, we were one of two charity beneficiaries of the 11 state softball tournament of women state troopers. It was such an honor to be selected by such a brave and selfless group of ladies. And, while we help children everyone and I should be impartial, I am especially proud to say that the DSP won the tournament!

We received some tournament fees back in September, so I was a little surprised when I was asked to meet at Troop 1 for a check presentation. I was presented with a check for $15,000!!! That’s a nice surprise, but more importantly, just really privileged and honored to be selected by these brave folks.

Please keep B+ Heroes Bryson & Gavin’s family in your prayers. Both brothers had cancer, but different types. Earlier this year, Gavin passed and way and, tragically, Bryson passed away this week.

For those of you who celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful and safe time with family and friends and that you get a quiet, peaceful moment to reflect on the reason for the holiday.

Thank you all for making 2023 a very successful year in the number of families that we helped and for the advancements that we helped facilitate in childhood cancer research. Happy New Year!

Ali & Andrew’s Dad


Message from Dalton

